Monday, May 31, 2021

New Yorkers: Its People in its Own Time


I really enjoyed this book.  I must be homesick and am pining my NYC.  There was an episode in "Sex and the City" where Carrie declared her love for the City and not for Mr. Big.  There are so many things I simply couldn't stand in NYC but I also loved it with all my musto.  It's somewhat like my relationship with Alex.  I love him and yet I couldn't stand his arrogance..

The book reminds me of "This American Life".  The podcast which I used to love with the charismatic narrator Ira Glass.  How I remember we used to listen to NPR together in Alex's car on Saturday mornings!  His favorite show was "Car Talk" which made up of two guys joking about fixing up old cars.  He was so right that I was bound to marry an American..  He knew way back then that we weren't meant for each other.  

I wish I am young again and can just pack up and go and start a new job somewhere else.  Now I am grounded and the only place to go is simply to crawl back to my little room with my books.  My books are my sanity!  

The book is amazing and the :interviews" were sensational!   

Thursday, May 13, 2021

First Person Singular

A true disappointment from Murakami.  Two of the stories in this anthology were first published in the New Yorker  The rest of the stories were nothing special.  I think it's time for Murakami to devote full time to becoming a DJ and retire from writing. 

It's time to move on to better books to spend my time! 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Tokyo Day By Day

 This is a great find!  Love to live in Tokyo for six months to a year  I can't see myself living in a small town.  I am such a city person.

Finally getting my first jab on Tuesday.  What will life be like past pandemic?  I am anxious about the future but willing to take a plunge into the unknown.  

I wish I am back to the age that I can live in another city and work in another job.  I am truly ready for a new start.  Yet I am still missing NYC and my old job.  I am glad our paths have passed and I am better for it.

Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...