Thursday, January 21, 2021

Another Day, Another Job

Another day.  Another library job.  It is probably a crappy part time job and won't pay well.  I have no idea what this Chinese owned college library will be like.  Would it be another PBC?  I figure if it's only part-time, and there's only so much you can do on the job.  

If I have a choice, I would love to go back to working at Queens Library.  But it's not up to me now.  The pandemic is far from over.  I have only my books and my MOMA films to look forward to for now.

Why can't we just win the MegaMillion and then we will be good forever!

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Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...