It has been a while since I lasted updated this blog. I do have a fantasy. I wish I would be able to sell our Jackson Heights apartment and then start to move on to the next chapter of my life. I would love to start thinking about making the move (for the thousand time it seems). I am ready to cut the cord and have a new life.
When will COVID be over? When can I travel again without restrictions? If all life will end soon, please let it end peacefully. I need GUIDANCE!
So many stores have shuttered. I am grateful that I still have friends here. Without them I would be constantly worrying about my future. I truly need them for my sanity!
I will start writing this blog again now that I am feeling insecure and have doubts about my future. This blog gives me hope. I can't explain it.
Please let my fantasy come true. I need to sell sell sell. Then make the move smoothly. Next we need to find a new home/apartment that is affordable and within our budget. Then we can take a DEEP BREATH and maybe we will be able to travel again...