Friday, November 20, 2020

Dream Home

 What does my Dream Home look like?

No, I don't need a personal library.  I just need to live near a big library 'cause no personal library at home will be big enough for me.  I also need to live near some cultural venues like movie theatres, museums and music halls.  Obviously it has to be near a transit hub so that I can travel to places easily day and night.

I don't need a large number of bedrooms but I do prefer a daybed near a window. I dream about lying near a window so I can peak outside while I am reading.  I do want a good television but it doesn't have to be super big.

Oh, I almost forgot.  I would love to live near some decent eating places so that I don't have to travel to find a good place to eat.  It must be also be near some good supermarkets so that I can grab my groceries and then run home swiftly.  

Where is this Dream Home of mine?

Please call out my name and I am Coming for you!

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