Monday, January 4, 2021

Italy in My Back Pocket

It's a lot of waiting these days.  Waiting for the pandemic to end (not anytime soon!).  Waiting for the vaccine to be implemented (Again plenty of people ahead of me).  Waiting for BB to sell our homes in NY.  Waiting for our next home to be bought.  Waiting for our vacation (won't happen any time soon😒)

Since vacationing is going to be in the last bucket, the only thing I can do now is dream about traveling to Europe and having a fabulous time with BB.  If we have sufficient funds, we can stay in modest hotels and eat yummy meals.  BB is not getting any younger and it would be great if he gets to travel sooner than later.  As for me, I want a job for now which I can earn some money to buy myself some fancy gifts.


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