Sunday, November 15, 2020

Smooth Transition of Power (No, I Don't Mean the US Presidency)


Days are getting shorter.  There are still so many things on my mind.  Like BB's move to Vancouver. Like whether I have a shot at the job I applied for.  I want to work but I also want to travel extensively after the pandemic.  How am I ever going to find time to travel if I have a full time job?  That is the million dollar question.  Maybe I should just become a literacy volunteer.  Then I won't worry about any time constraints..

I miss hearing music on the streets here.  I am used to hearing talented musicians play on the streets of NYC. The sax, cello, or the guitar always sounds so good on the streets or on the trains in NYC.  

I am glad I didn't marry A and have 2 kids with him,  I know I would miss the kind of life and career I had in NYC.  Yes, he was the love of my life but I know he will never compromise and share my lifestyle.  Maybe he has changed after he moved back to HK..  I don't know.  Perhaps it's destiny.  My destiny is with another person and for better or worse, we are happy for now.  

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Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...