Friday, March 26, 2021

I'd Rather be Reading


It has been a little while since I last blogged.  The job has been keeping me busy.  I can't believe I am still at it since I've enjoyed my "spare time" reading and running to libraries.  I miss Mom and BB.  I can't believe I am not part of Queens Library anymore.  I really love working there because I've met such nice people even though sometimes the public can be crazy and demanding.  I may never work at a public library again...  😞😞😞😞😞

Anyway the book above is interesting and light.  I feel the same way about films.  I'd rather be going to the cinema.  When will the cinemas open here again?  It's so depressing.  I want a life that allows me to travel and go to movies.  Now I have nothing and no one to confide to.  Marie is the last person I want to confide to since she has grown ever so radical about politics and current events.  I don't mind meeting new people but we are still in the middle of a pandemic and there's no way I can make friends.

The only thing I can do is escape into books.  I have read quite a few and thank God for MOMA, I was able to stream so Oscar contenders.   Soon life will be back to some form of normalcy and I long to be in NYC for that.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Mom's Birthday

 We Miss You Very Much!

You will be missed as long as I live.  I miss buying you a birthday card and eating cake together...

I am glad I was able to spend your last nine months together.  I came back in time to be with you...

I know you want me to be happy.  I will try to do my best doing the things that I love.  It's a lovely day out today..  I will look up to the sky and see you and grandma together.

Librarian Tales


I am surprised these kind of "tales" can be made into a book.  I can certainly relate to most of the tales here.  Library life is much more diverse and difficult in a big city library.  There are certain things I miss most about working in a public library and some that I truly dread.  Anyway public library life may be in my back mirror now since I've started the job in the college library.

It has been a week since I started my new job. I clearly enjoy not being supervised but I miss being able to go out during the day.  I don't know how long I will be staying on this job and I don't feel obligated to be with this school long term. The pay is not great.  I like the flexibility for now since I don't have to report to work and it gives me some income during this time.

Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...