Thursday, December 10, 2020

Defining My Life

"I like to think that every time a door closes, my unwavering faith leads me to discover a new one to open.." 

No job means no Canadian income for me.  I was hoping to spend some of my new income during the Christmas holidays, and I guess it wasn't meant to be.  It's hard to justify spending money on clothes when I own so many already, 😒😒

I miss shopping with BB on the weekends during the Christmas holidays.  Christmas windows, drinking Starbucks and taking pictures all around Manhattan have always been our favorite things to do.  Hudson Yards looks so stunning this Christmas and I am missing all of it...

Merry Christmas to Moi! 

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Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...