Saturday, April 24, 2021

Klara and the Sun - The Idea of an ARTIFICIAL FRIEND

Why is there such an intense interest in AI all of the sudden?  I just finished cataloging a number of books on AI and then I read this.  I also started watching the TVB series on AI.  I used to think AI as being the perfect robot maid but now that's no longer the only reason he/she exists.  He/She is now a life companion and in these pandemic times, we need him/her more than ever!

Klara, also know as an AF, reminds me of a film I saw years ago while working at PBC.  Joaquin Phoenix was surprisingly good in "HER" who fell in love with her OS (Operating System).  Will an artificial friend replace a human friend in the future?  I think the whole idea is fascinating and I would love to try one!  Sign me up now...

The story reminds me of some of Ishiguro's earlier novels.  I think it's fabulous for these lonely times since none of us are comfortable going out dreading the virus.  Having an artificial friend who is caring and loving will certainly fill the void.  Especially for me 😔😔😔


Friday, April 16, 2021

MOMA Film Festival: Nomadland


I'm so glad MOMA has decided to put this film back up on their site.  I finally got to see it and it was great!  It has a lot of heart.  I didn't realize it was fairly sad in tone.  It has great music and wonderful scenery.  I enjoyed this much more than "Minari"  I am not surprised now why it got so many nominations..  I just wish some of my friends would be able to catch it before the Oscars..  Chloe Zhao and Frances McDormand are both worthy of their awards.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Paris Mon Cheri

What a wonderful find!  Another great Paris guidebook translated from the Japanese.  

I'd like to imagine My Old Guy and I traveling to Paris in the near future. We'll go window shopping and take in all the beautiful sights  I just love Paris so much.🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋 

Sometimes I think the pandemic will never end and I will have to return to NY to be with him.  It's going to be too expensive to travel back here..  Who has $2000 to spend to quarantine at a hotel?  When will travel restrictions ease?  Should I believe that this whole mess will be over by September?  I don't know what to believe anymore.  I will forever be a pessimist!

The only thing I can do at the moment is to hold on to this dream that my Old Guy will be with me in Paris.  There are so many obstacles in our way.  The move to find a new home and then travel the world in retirement....

If only Mom is still alive and she can eagerly push me to be optimistic...

Monday, April 12, 2021



Where are you?  

Remember when we used to discuss all the WKW’s films with such fervent enthusiasm?  

We thought that the fire within us will never burn out.  Was it passion or was it simply our pursuit of an “ideal love” that didn’t exist?

So many questions and so little time for answers.  I would look up in the sky and then realize we were no longer on the same wavelength anymore.  I could no longer finish your sentences nor could I read your mind like I once did.  You and I are on opposite shores now and there is nothing that connects us.  

I don’t expect anyone to understand our fondness for each other.  It really doesn’t matter.  As long as I know you were once a part of my life and you mattered.  You will always “matter” in my life and I’m sure you know it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

No Light at the End of the Tunnel


There simply is no light at the end of the Pandemic tunnel.  There is no way travel restrictions will be relaxed.  I really am on wit’s end thinking my life is ruined and will never be able to sink into another desirable job for the rest of my life.

Is this Depression with a capital “D”?  I am afraid and miserable at the same time. I don’t hold out hope for anything anymore. The only thing holding me together is watching the Graham Norton show on Facebook. That’s the only time I can truly crack up and not think about the state that I am in.

How will all this end?  No one knows.  If this is not the end of the world, then what is?

Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...