Monday, November 30, 2020

Now that I Know...

The Interview is tomorrow.  Now that I know the lady who is retiring as the "Librarian" is a library tech, I figure the salary will be low even if I do get it.  DOES IT EVEN MATTER?

Tomorrow is the first day of December.  It will be very quiet this Christmas without Mother.  I miss BB and am truly happy to know that he's thinking of me. 

I count my blessings every day that I have plenty of sweet memories, and will feel warm and cozy this winter. 

The US dollar is dropping like a rock.  It would be great if I have some income from another source.  

Friday, November 27, 2020

Whatever is Gonna Happen will Happen


Today I finally hear from my potential employer.  I am due for a Zoom interview next Tuesday.  Suspense is building up.  Will I get it or won't I?  

I'll do my best.  

If I get the job, that means I am not free to travel to NYC.  I will have job obligations...

When BB moves over, I'll need to take time off for travel. What will happen to my extensive travel plans?  

How I wish my mother is by my side!  It has been 5 months since she passed.  I miss her more and more.  

Life is not the same without her.😒😒😒

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Galaxy Far Far Away

 Another coffee table book with pictures of far away places,  Realistically I would never ever consider staying at any of the places in the book.  If I want to get away from it all, I will need to spend a copious amount of money to get to ANY of these places.  Money that I don't have.  The Mongolian "Camp" does look intriguing.  

I am also drawn to the subtitle of this book.  The Most Unique Hotels at the End of the World.  Would I even be staying at a hotel if I am really traveling to the end of the world?  Reminds me of what A used to say about the end of the world,  He said he would go there alone and won't contemplate about coming back.  Obviously this statement was made in his younger days,  Sigh!

Reading On and On and On

Another miserable rainy day.  Another day of staying in and finishing my stack of library books.  Wanting to finish the book above.  The author is very witty and I admit I have a soft spot for books on the English language.  

Still no response for my prospective employer.  The ad is still up on their website  But that doesn't mean much.  It can simply mean they haven;t updated that part of the site yet.  I have mixed feelings about working  I love to work but I also would jump at the chance of traveling after the pandemic (or maybe take a quick trip back to NYC).  



Monday, November 23, 2020

Jan Morris and Travel Writing

 Jan Morris passed away at the age of 94.  She was an inspiration for me and I have to admit I got hooked about travel writing from reading her essays.

I wish I've gone to see her at NYPL in 2006  That was the year she turned 80. 


To celebrate the 80th birthday of Jan Morris, Paul HoldengrΓ€ber will conversationally ramble with the writer through some of the matters that have preoccupied her during a long life. For example: patriotism, dislike of concerts, Norwegian Forest Cats, the practice of travel, marmalade vs grape jelly, Venice vs Trieste, connoisseurship (ugh!), intellectualism (yuk!), 57 years of a curious friendship, 53 years of visiting NY, the British Empire, the superiority of small countries (notably Wales), journalism at Mount Everest, death, glories and agonies of family life, the power of kindness. And anything else that comes into their minds.

Oh, well.  That must have been one good talk....

Friday, November 20, 2020

Dream Home

 What does my Dream Home look like?

No, I don't need a personal library.  I just need to live near a big library 'cause no personal library at home will be big enough for me.  I also need to live near some cultural venues like movie theatres, museums and music halls.  Obviously it has to be near a transit hub so that I can travel to places easily day and night.

I don't need a large number of bedrooms but I do prefer a daybed near a window. I dream about lying near a window so I can peak outside while I am reading.  I do want a good television but it doesn't have to be super big.

Oh, I almost forgot.  I would love to live near some decent eating places so that I don't have to travel to find a good place to eat.  It must be also be near some good supermarkets so that I can grab my groceries and then run home swiftly.  

Where is this Dream Home of mine?

Please call out my name and I am Coming for you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Christmas in Paris & Tokyo for Food Lovers


When you can't spend Christmas in Paris, the next best thing is enjoy a cup of this!

Another "mouthwatering" book for foodies!   Looking forward to 2021 and beyond for a much needed break from a very sad year.. 😭😭

Sunday, November 15, 2020

How to Train to Europe

This Lonely Planet book is such a gem for my next (to be planned) train trip to Europe.  I honestly need to go back to Europe before I am 65.  Our last trip to London was just an appetizer.  Let's hope I don't drop dead from the pandemic or from another fatal disease.  BB better stay well too!  I need BB to be my loyal companion for these trips.  Why travel on a budget when you are with your partner?  He will thank me for the memories later!

Smooth Transition of Power (No, I Don't Mean the US Presidency)


Days are getting shorter.  There are still so many things on my mind.  Like BB's move to Vancouver. Like whether I have a shot at the job I applied for.  I want to work but I also want to travel extensively after the pandemic.  How am I ever going to find time to travel if I have a full time job?  That is the million dollar question.  Maybe I should just become a literacy volunteer.  Then I won't worry about any time constraints..

I miss hearing music on the streets here.  I am used to hearing talented musicians play on the streets of NYC. The sax, cello, or the guitar always sounds so good on the streets or on the trains in NYC.  

I am glad I didn't marry A and have 2 kids with him,  I know I would miss the kind of life and career I had in NYC.  Yes, he was the love of my life but I know he will never compromise and share my lifestyle.  Maybe he has changed after he moved back to HK..  I don't know.  Perhaps it's destiny.  My destiny is with another person and for better or worse, we are happy for now.  

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday the 13th 2020: Is the Worst Over Yet?

 Today is the last Friday the 13th of the year 2020.  There is no doubt this is the worst year ever for me and for the world...

Another day of dreary rain!  It's a good thing I have my books with me to keep me from going insane.  I truly miss my Elmhurst library colleagues.  I know there aren't too many of them left since most have moved on for greener pastures?!  I do wonder sometimes what would have happened if I had stayed on at NYPL.  Would I be working at SIBL or would I be working at another division?

Still no word from the my potential employer.  I think I may be a good fit there.  I bet there are so many applicants for the job and they are taking their time to screen them all.  I may be too "old" and "senior" for them after all.  I still don't want to believe I am ready for retirement.  Not yet.  There is still a fire burning within me...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sanditon - Jane Austen's Last Hurrah

I'm finishing the British series "Sanditon".  I can't help wondering how Jane Austen would end this story.  Rose Williams is a creditable Charlotte Heywood but Theo James (Four from the Divergent movie) is not quite my pick for Sidney Parker.

I have to admit it is a good "escape" series.  I am Iooking forward to seeing :"Belgravia" when it becomes available from the Library.  I have a feeling the Belgravia series will be much better than this one.

My rating πŸ‘πŸ‘

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My New Blog

This is my sincere wish for the universe and myself!  I always try to convince moi that everything will turn out to be okay in the end.. 

Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.

Am I being too optimistic?  Maybe the World will end on my watch...   

This is my new blog and I want to start fresh and begin my new life here.  Even though that's no place like NYC for my cultural appetite....😞😞

Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...