Sunday, January 31, 2021

For the Love of Europe


I haven't watched a Rick Steves travel special in years.  When I was young, I used to enjoy watching his shows.  He was the all-American travel host but he wasn't an engaging host.  I never read any of his travel guides.  But this book is quite enjoyable.  All his entries about a certain place in Europe are short (no longer than 4 pages).  

I read a story recently in the New Yorker about the man Rick Steves.  It was a great profile about his life and views.  It was a great read.  

If you can't make it to Europe, the next best thing is filled yourself with stories and pictures about the continent.  I am losing hope day by day that I will never get to go anywhere until 2022.  How depressing!

MOMA Film Festival 9: Mank


Yes.  It's a David Fincher flm.  I should love it because it's a David Fincher film.  It has Gary Oldman in it and I should love it more.  After all, Gary Oldman even played Beethoven at one time.  But (wait for it) I simply don't like it.  I am tired of seeing another feature that has an alcoholic as a main character.  And the guy who plays Orson Welles is despicable.  I have to say I will need to wait for the next David Fincher film before I can be passionate again.  Maybe it's made for Netflix.  I expect more from a film that is made for the classic cinema.  

This is no Rosebud.

I Love Snow


I miss snow.  I miss my old neighborhood Forest Hills.  I miss Old Guy.  I miss 12 inches of snow.  I miss the new Starbucks that is two blocks from my apartment.  I miss the CVS and the Key Food that is adjacent to the new Starbucks.  I miss the Tudor cottages that look so much like England in my neighborhood.  I miss watching snow from my window. I miss the calmness I feel when I see the white stuff falling from the sky.  I miss my tea and my books when it snows.  I miss cooking when it's snowing outside.  I miss streaming a show on TV on a snowy evening.  

Most of all, I miss the whiteness and peacefulness that comes with a major snowfall.

Lucky New Yorkers!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

MOMA Film Festival 8: On the Rocks

It's hard to believe Sofia Coppola directed this film.  It's best as a low grade Woody Allen sit-com type of movie.  If Apple TV is providing this kind of material for its subscribers, I would only consider getting it for free (I am getting it for free right now since I am not paying for Apple TV until October 2021).  Mildly entertaining and very light.  

Still holding my breath about the job at the crappy college..  What's taking them so long?  They are probably go with someone cheap with a lot less experience than I have.  I feel like I am a premium channel which is worthy of a bigger challenge and a large paycheck.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael


This is a truly great documentary on Pauline Kael.  This is so much better than the films I last watched at the MOMA Contenders film festival.  I wish they would make a documentary of Jan Morris' life and her writings.  Kael is a gutsy film critic and her prose is highly revered.  It's no lie that sex and violence sells movies.  

I wonder if Alex knew about this doc.  He would have loved it..  Too bad his students would not have known about the New Yorker or about Pauline Kael.  

MOMA Film Festival 6 & 7: Tesla and Monsoon

Tesla is one of the two Sundance films which I saw that was totally unremarkable. I wouldn't call it a waste of my time but the film would be truly unwatchable if it wasn't for Ethan Hawke.  Why would they cast Kyle MachLachlan as Thomas Edison and Jim Gaffigan as Westinghouse?  This biopic is one of those forgettable features after a year.

Monsoon is the 2nd Sundance film I watched following the disastrous Tesla.  It's slightly better than the previous film.  Again Henry Golding is the actor that makes the film watchable.  The whole Vietnamese immigrant backstory is not very interesting and has no depth at all.  Why is it so hard to make a good movie about immigrants?  Minari,, by comparison, fares much better in expressing the aspect of displacement and is much more emotional.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Not Quite What I was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Famous and Obscure Writers

A quick and enjoyable read.  If only I can sum up my life in six words.  

It will be a cold and snowy weekend.  I have more time to devote myself to books and new films.  

Dreaming of faraway lands and loves (My Six Word Memoir of the Day)

Another Day, Another Job

Another day.  Another library job.  It is probably a crappy part time job and won't pay well.  I have no idea what this Chinese owned college library will be like.  Would it be another PBC?  I figure if it's only part-time, and there's only so much you can do on the job.  

If I have a choice, I would love to go back to working at Queens Library.  But it's not up to me now.  The pandemic is far from over.  I have only my books and my MOMA films to look forward to for now.

Why can't we just win the MegaMillion and then we will be good forever!

Friday, January 15, 2021

MOMA Film Festival 5: Minari


Another of one of those films that will test your patience.  It's still much better than "The Midnight Sky".  What's going on, George Clooney?  I didn't really identify with the Korean family in this film but the acting is great.  It has nuggets of greatness but still falls short somehow.

I am really looking forward to re-watching Yonfan's No. 7 Cherry Lane and the awards-winning Chloe Zhao's Nomadland.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021



Another book for future trips to be had in a far(not near) distant future!  Entries are short but nevertheless enjoyable.  

Disappointed about the librarian job posting that was taken down today.  It would be great if I could find a part time job at an easygoing college with few expectations.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

MOMA FILM FESTIVAL 3 & 4: Gunda & The Midnight Sky


I actually enjoyed watching the one legged chicken rather than the pig.  It's too slow for me.

What was George Clooney when he were directing this film?  This is so so slow and I was not surprised to see how most critics panned the movie.  There are many go sci-fi/space films out there.  This is probably one of the worst.  It's much worse than GUNDA.  

Monday, January 4, 2021

Italy in My Back Pocket

It's a lot of waiting these days.  Waiting for the pandemic to end (not anytime soon!).  Waiting for the vaccine to be implemented (Again plenty of people ahead of me).  Waiting for BB to sell our homes in NY.  Waiting for our next home to be bought.  Waiting for our vacation (won't happen any time soon😒)

Since vacationing is going to be in the last bucket, the only thing I can do now is dream about traveling to Europe and having a fabulous time with BB.  If we have sufficient funds, we can stay in modest hotels and eat yummy meals.  BB is not getting any younger and it would be great if he gets to travel sooner than later.  As for me, I want a job for now which I can earn some money to buy myself some fancy gifts.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

London: The Current Love of My Life

When will I be in London again?  This book is so good and feels like it was written exclusively for me.  You read a hundred books and then you find a good one.  This is IT!  I would love to live here for a year.  Forget New York!  This is the place for me.  

Dream away with my cream tea and scones.  Dream away in my Laura Ashley dress and traditional English breakfast (baked beans and sauteed mushrooms).  

I will need to create a new Pinterest board with all things British!



A sad film about aging and dementia.  The acting is superb.  Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman are especially great.  Makes me think about what will happen to us when we get old.  We don't have children and I guess we will have to admit ourselves to a nursing home if we don't die first before old age.  

At the end of this film festival, I'll have my feed of the best movies of the year.  2020 wasn't so wasted after all.  

A big thank you to MOMA!


Turtle Warrior

I am now officially a TURTLE WARRIOR.  I will keep fighting until I get better from GBS.  My fingers tingle and my palms are always sweaty. ...